Saturday, October 22, 2016

Clap Your Hands and Wiggle Your Fingers

Clap your hands and wiggle your fingers.
Clap your hands and wiggle your fingers.
Clap your hands and wiggle your fingers.
Now we've made a pattern.

Stamp your feet and slap your belly.
Stamp your feet and slap your belly.
Stamp your feet and slap your belly.
Now we've made a pattern.

Shake your arms and pull your ears.
Shake your arms and pull your ears.
Shake your arms and pull your ears.
Now we've made a pattern.

Open-Shut Them


Open-shut them, 
Open-shut them,    (open and shut your fingers)
Give a little clap.

Open-shut them,
Open-shut them,
Put them on your lap.

Creep them, creep them       (creep your fingers up your body to your chin)
Creep them, creep 
Up to your little chin.

Open wide your little mouth,
But do not let them in!